This type of massage therapy consultation includes techniques based on Indian and Asian knowledge of the body system, which will help your body increase range of motion, reduce stiffness and increase nerve communication between the brain and muscles, while also working on the system of trigger points which are actually called MARMA points, for thousands of years in Ayurveda and Kalaripayattu martial arts.
Ayurvedic relaxation massage with hot oil tends to relax the muscles and promote balance in the hormonal and nervous systems, as well as invigorating the body. We use different types of hot oil blends depending on the Ayurvedic body type, including Ayurvedic carosacral therapy and the head massage technique, which not only relaxes but also works on the lymphatic and nervous systems, helping to shift from the sympathetic to the para-lymphatic system.
Lymphatic drainage therapy consultation includes techniques based on Indian and Asian knowledge of the body system, which will help to increase immunity, reduce stress, increase nerve communication, increase blood circulation to the muscles, while reducing the damaging effect of lactic acid. This therapy is used in conjunction with oils, spices and herbs, depending on dosa imbalance and health concerns.